Octopus Energy Smart Meter

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My smart meter was installed in 2019 by Octopus Energy.  Before I was on an Octopus Fixed tariff which had always been my preference. There was no green technology in my house and the energy bill was something I always worried about.

You can’t live without a mains supply but with 3 young children at home, I feared that I would lose control once I switched to a smart meter.

It all went well. Nearly five years after the switch to a smart meter I have made considerable savings on my energy bills, thanks to Octopus smart tariffs.

Let me explain why I wanted a smart meter and how I have made these savings on my Octopus Energy bill.

Why would I want an Octopus Energy smart meter?

At first, I didn’t want a smart meter. If I had the choice, if I am being completely honest, I would have stuck with my standard meter.  However, after switching to Octopus Energy in 2018 they launched their second smart tariff called Octopus Agile and I knew it was a game changer.

I had read about time-of-use tariffs which charge customers different rates at different times of the day depending on the availability of energy on the grid. It sounded like the answer to many issues to help the planet and my pocket. However, to be eligible I needed a smart meter.

Fast forward five years and now I am on 3 Octopus smart tariffs;

Will a smart meter lower my bills?

A smart meter won’t automatically lower your energy but it can if you try something new. For instance, my mother and my brother have recently had a smart meter installed by Octopus Energy.  They are on the Octopus Tracker tariff for both gas and electricty. Neither my mum nor brother have green technology but have still saved around 40% this year on their Octopus Energy bill compared to the Flexible rate. 

I have saved so much money on EV charging and home energy bills. It’s made a massive difference and without a smart meter, I wouldn’t have access to these tariffs. It’s not just a few pounds in savings, it’s hundreds of pounds by the time you include fueling costs too.

I’m not on Octopus Agile but friends have been paid to use energy several times this year. When there is excess energy on the grid, because it’s windy for example, Octopus will pay you for turning your oven on!

Octopus Energy has also recently launched Octoplus. This is a rewards program for smart meter customers.

Exclusive benefits through Octoplus

Octoplus rewards include:

  • A free drink every week.
  • 2 for £10 Odeon cinema tickets.
  • 25% off at selected restaurants
  • An exclusive spin-the-wheel with better prizes
  • Extra points for friend referrals and solar referrals.
    Octoplus rewards vary, for example, you can now use your points to redeem exclusive rewards through the app and online, get discounts at their Shoptopus store or exchange them for cash.

Will my Octopus Energy smart meter remain smart if I switch suppliers?

Yes, the government’s idea is to get everyone connected to a platform called the DCC. The energy companies don’t own this platform the government does.  They contracted this out to an independent third party called the Data Communications Company. (DCC) They are regulated by Ofgem and paid for by consumers through the energy industry.

The new smart meters SMETS2 link to the DCC and supply information to your supplier through this platform. If you decide to switch your new energy provider can access your information too.  The DCC enables this as all suppliers have access.

If you are offered an Octopus Energy SMETS1 smart meter don’t panic as the government has now agreed that these can link up to the DCC too.

Which Octopus Energy tariffs will make the most of a smart meter and save me money?

There is now a multitude of Octopus Energy smart tariffs to choose from.

As a starting point with no green technology just a smart meter and the willingness to try something new, there are two tariffs to consider;

  1. Octopus Agile – prices change every 30 minutes and you need to be flexible with your energy use.
  2. Octopus Tracker – prices change every night at midnight. There’s just one flat rate for the day.

You can compare all Octopus Energy tariffs in my recent blog post.

Home Assistant 

If you have a smart meter and are quite techie I would strongly suggest looking at Home Assistant. 

Home Assistant combined with Octopus smart tariffs allows you to automate your home to reduce your energy bills.

 How can I get an Octopus Energy Smart Meter?

If you’d like to apply for an Octopus smart meter installation you can do this online.

Is an Octopus Energy smart meter worth it?

You aren’t required to get a smart meter. At the moment no one will force you to get one but you’ll notice more energy deals, even the ones that are not smart are restricted to smart customers only.

Octopus doesn’t force you to get a smart meter. You don’t get a better deal on any of the standard tariffs if you have a smart meter but you are locked out of the smart tariffs which require automated regular meter readings.

I also like the ease of monitoring my energy usage in the Octopus app now I have a smart meter. During the winter this was particularly handy to monitor our gas use. It was so expensive, even on a smart tariff, that I wanted to keep an eye on our daily energy costs.


No one can force you to have a smart meter but as a result, you will miss out on offers and deals exclusive to smart meter customers. To me, it’s like refusing a Tesco Clubcard. Yes, it is a hassle to get someone around to change the meter changed over but I also think it’s inevitable that you’ll need one. Above all you have to be happy and it is your choice so make sure you are comfortable with the idea before switching to a smart meter.

You are free to decline any invites for a smart meter installation.

I hope my post provides some reassurance because a smart meter can make your life easier and save money.

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