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This week Ripple Energy completed its first wind turbine project in South Wales. Now I am one of 907 co-op wind farm owners at Graig Fatha. Our wind turbine, near Cardiff, will start generating renewable energy very soon.
When I wrote my Ripple Energy Review several months ago I did wonder if I would look back on my lockdown purchase with some regret. However, wholesale energy prices have skyrocketed and I am delighted that the profits from the wind turbine will start reducing my energy bill very soon. As a bonus, I take great pleasure knowing that our wind turbine will be adding renewable energy to the National Grid helping it turn a lighter shade of green!
The next Ripple Energy project will be in Scotland.
Ripple will open its next project to wannabe co-op wind turbine members at the start of 2022. The new turbine will be in Scotland and is going to be an onshore turbine the same as Graig Fatha. As I understand it there will be an offshore turbine project in Scotland but this is some way off.
You can sign up to express an interest in the new Scottish wind turbine on the Ripple Energy website.
Heat Battery storage.
Ripple has made further Scottish connections by linking up with Sunamp, a company based in Tranent. Sunamp produces super compact and super-insulated storage for heat energy, usable for hot water, space heating or cooling. Their batteries, quite simply, store heat.
I have been fascinated with the idea of heat storage in batteries since reading about them in the news. The batteries seem to work in a similar way to a hand warmer. The gel, called phase-changing material, inside the battery can heat up at the click of a button. It can then be used to heat water or your home.
Ripple Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding with Sunamp. I am not sure how the partnership will work but I hope it will help co-op members reduce their reliance on fossil-powered heat systems in the not too distant future.
Ripple Energy Review.
You can read my full Ripple Energy review if you would like further information. I will be buying additional kWh’s of energy when the new Scottish turbine becomes available in the new year and will update this page or do another blog post when that moves forward.
If you decide to join Ripple you can get £25 credit using my Ripple Energy referral. I will get £25 too. So a big thank you if you decide to use my link!