octopus energy cashback

Energy Shouldn’t cost the Earth.

When I sit and watch David Attenborough speak about the damage we are doing to the environment I sometimes feel overwhelmed. Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. Can my actions make a difference?  The answer in part is yes and as a family, we have been trying to reduce our carbon footprint.  Although we can’t always be perfect, we are trying!

One of the easiest and biggest ways we have reduced our carbon footprint is by switching to green energy

When we first switched to Octopus Energy we were not in a position to buy solar panels or live on our smallholding with wind turbines.  What we did, however, was consider when we used energy and how this impacted the grid.  This was enough to lower bills and make a difference in our way.

Octopus through its friendly advice and constant innovation made us reconsider our relations with energy.

We are now fortunate enough to have lots of green technology at home. We have an Electric Vehicle, plus solar panels and battery storage installed by Octopus Energy. I

I don’t think we would have made such a big start on our electrification journey without Octopus launching so many smart tariffs and offering solar installation in our area. They make this all much more accessible.

Food is about one-quarter of our carbon footprint in the U.K.

We have tried to half this by:

  •  Eating everything we buy and avoiding wasting food.
    Avoiding air-freighted food.
  •  Reducing our meat and dairy consumption (especially beef and lamb) Two of the households are vegetarians.
  •  Buying locally.

octopus energy is our supplier

As a family, we try to reduce our car journeys and walk where possible but it isn’t always that easy for the general commute.  Now we have an EV fueling it at night on an off-peak tariff makes a massive difference to our home energy bill and our emissions.

We also buy significantly fewer clothes and try to make do and mend where possible.

If you are thinking of switching to a green energy supplier I would highly recommend Octopus Energy.

There are other green energy suppliers in the UK but for us switching to Octopus Energy ticked all of our boxes.  It wasn’t just about renewable energy it was feeling happy with the ethics and transparency of the energy supplier.

octopus eNERGY